Getting Started
with myEduscape!
Check out these steps for getting started on your learning journey.
Activate Your Account
Explore a Range of Powerful Features
myEduscape is your comprehensive professional learning hub. We've designed it to be your go-to platform for discovering, accessing, and tracking your professional growth. From identifying your learning needs to measuring your progress, myEduscape supports you every step of the way. Get started by exploring these key features:
My Dashboard
My Courses
The Community
Explore a Range of Powerful Features
myEduscape is your comprehensive professional learning hub. We've designed it to be your go-to platform for discovering, accessing, and tracking your professional growth. From identifying your learning needs to measuring your progress, myEduscape supports you every step of the way. Get started by exploring these key features:
My Dashboard
My Courses
The Community
Form Habits for Life-Long Learning
Take a quick self-assessment to check-in on your learning progress and update your recommended courses.
Review your personalized recommendations and see what courses may be aligned to your learning goals.
Start a new course or pick up where you left off in your learning!
Explore what is new in the community and post a question, share your experiences, or connect with others.
Form Habits for Life-Long Learning
Take a quick self-assessment to check-in on your learning progress and update your recommended courses.
Review your personalized recommendations and see what courses may be aligned to your learning goals.
Start a new course or pick up where you left off in your learning!
Explore what is new in the community and post a question, share your experiences, or connect with others.
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