Introduction to Computational Thinking
Author: Eduscape
Course Level: 101
Est. Length: 30 minutes
Grade(s): PK-12th Grade
In the digital age, problem-solving skills are paramount for students to thrive and flourish in any field, and as educators, it’s our job to properly prepare them for their future. Computational thinking offers a powerful framework for developing these essential skills. This course serves as a gateway to understanding the fundamental principles that support modern problem-solving. Educators will explore the fundamental concepts of computational thinking and discover practical strategies to integrate decomposition, abstraction, algorithmic design, and pattern recognition into their teaching practices. Discover how these skills can be applied to solve a wide range of challenges, from everyday tasks to complex problems. By the end of this course, you'll have a solid understanding of computational thinking and equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to help all students enhance their problem-solving skills through computational thinking.
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