Learning Path

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Path Level: 100
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Learning Path Overview

Challenge your perspective and strengthen your ability to support all learners by engaging in dialogues about culturally responsive practices. Connect with learners who are thinking about how they can actively advocate for equity in their roles.
Meet the subject matter expert

Samantha Fletcher, Ed.M
Director of Inclusivity and Innovation, Eduscape

With nearly 20 years of experience in journalism, research, education, and DEI -- including much of that time in educator and parent roles -- Samantha is in many ways uniquely qualified to facilitate the equity and antiracism professional development workshops that she discovered are her passion. Between workshops, webinars, consulting, and keynote speaking, she has impacted thousands in transformational ways, and has become known for bringing a friendly, engaging approach to what some consider difficult conversations.
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A Message from Samantha
I am beyond excited just thinking about how much this course will help educators on their journeys to become more culturally responsive teachers. With students’ needs in mind, we carefully designed this course with thoughtful intentionality around helping teachers understand what to do as well as around removing or minimizing teacher barriers to meeting those student needs. From starting with introspection in order to grasp the why and how to practical examples of what to do in the classroom, we believe CRE will be hugely transformative in the way teachers teach. Plus, because it is asynchronous, it is there for them to come back to should they need reminders later.

Having been on both sides of teaching – in the classroom and as a coach providing teacher support – I know there are many teachers who want to teach in a culturally responsive way. Unfortunately, they soon discover they can’t rely on what they learned in their teacher training programs because so many of these did not instruct on how to meaningfully incorporate diversity, inclusion, or cultural competency and responsiveness. But with this course, they no longer have to feel at a loss. CRE was designed by teachers for teachers. I’m confident this will help with beginning or enhancing their culturally responsive teaching.
